Cincinnati/NKY Hosting Programs

Cincinnati, OH, USA

Select an Option:

Host Family

In Cincinnati/NKY there are four different program options, three in July and one in August.

July Programs

In all July programs you must host for a minimum of 1 week, but preference will be given to families who can host for longer periods of time, or for the full duration of the program. There are two weekly activities for American and international students (and sometimes the full family) to participate in together. International students can travel out of state with their host family if prior permission is granted.


-Spaniards July 3 weeks (Cincinnati & NKY): June 29-July 17 , 30 students

-Spaniards July 4 weeks (Cincinnati, north of Norwood Lateral): July 1-28, 30 students

-French July 3 weeks (Anywhere around Cincinnati & NKY): July 6-26, 13 students

August Program

In the August program you must host for the full duration of the program. All students are scholarship recipients from the Canary Islands, Spain, and will shadow classes alongside their main host sibling. There will be 3-4 group activities throughout the program for American and international students (and sometimes the full family) to participate in together. International students can travel out of state with their host family if prior permission is granted. Only certain schools participate in this program, so please consult with Live N Learn if you are unsure if your school will accept students.

Tentative dates: August 15 - September 13

Host Family